Do Your Warm-Ups!
Warming up is essential to singing your best. Your vocal cords are muscles, and, just like any other muscle, they need to be stretched and actually physically heated up before they can do their best work.

The Secrets to Cold Readings
Doing a cold reading can be one of the more anxiety-provoking parts of a generally anxiety-provoking audition. Here’s some tips on succeeding at a cold reading.

The Physics of Singing
Sound is just sound — no matter who or what is producing it — and so the rules of singing really do just follow the rules of physics. In this blog post, I’ll focus on how sound waves work in both the universe and our bodies to create amazingly spectacular sounds.

After the Audition: When the Cast List Comes Out
There are five possible outcomes of every audition. Make sure you are mentally prepared for all of them!

Before the Audition: Audition Process Tips
There are a few unwritten rules when auditioning in the worlds of theatre and musical theatre. Showing that you know them helps the directors to know that you are serious about your craft and about the audition you are about to perform.

Open Mics Listing
Perhaps not officially a Blog Post, but a very handy listing of the Open Mics in our area — including some with pianists/guitarists to back you.

Two Ways to Build A Shed
Being good at anything requires a significant investment of time and energy. So, whether you choose a guide or opt to build on your own, make sure you are putting in the time.

Lessons from a Failed Performance
As a teacher, I believe that everything has a lesson or two in it, so here’s what I learned from my last performance — which went pretty badly for me.